Rosewell UFO Crash.... tangled in mystery

This time I am back with a little different topic. I stole some time from myself and read a book in my recently bought LePan tablet (my 'lil daughter says it's her 'tabbie'). The book was about the  popular UFO crash incident in Roswell, New Mexico. I had heard about this incident several years ago while I was in college. The topic of the book itself was interesting if not funny.
The book titles "Witness To Roswell" and is written by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt. There is a sentence on its cover page (someone's quote) which says " There is no one on this planet who knows more about the Roswell incident than these two guys" which enticed me as much as the topic of the book.
In July of 1947, the US Army recovered the remains of an object which crashed in a remote ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. As stated in the book and in several other blogs and pages, RAAF (Roswell Army Air Field) made a public press release saying that they captured a flying saucer on ranch in Roswell region (See this newspaper cutting published in Wikipedia).
The book does an excellent job describing the incident. The tremor of the incident begins when a rancher named Mack Brazel reports the incident to a radio journalist and a police officer in Roswell. The authors have very cautiously formulated almost every paragraph of the book with regards to "What", "When" and "Where". The series of events from first reporting by Mack to the final stage clean up of the debris by RAAF are very well knit and the book reflects an intensive investigation of the case.
The book concludes that:

  • A UFO indeed crashed at Mack's ranch in Roswell, in July 1947.
  • There was massive government cover up. "Everything" from the crash site was collected and "Everyone" who was directly/indirectly involved in the reporting/cleanup was either threatened or bribed or perplexed.
  • An extremely high level security was maintained in the recovery process of the remains and many army officers involved in the process have claimed that the level of security was higher than that commissioned for Atom bomb research which was being conducted in New Mexico itself.
  • There were at least three astronauts in the wreckage, one of whom was alive for a long time. The witnesses claim hearing him/her/it(?) moans because of injury pain.
  • The remains of the crash were cleaned and procured by the Army with an extreme caution
  • The most notable remains at the crash site were:
    • Memory metal (very thin foil of a metal which can be crunched by hand but when put in a flat surface it would regain its original texture quickly and automatically) 
    • Very light and strong wooden I-beam with very strange hieroglyphs
    • Extremely strong metallic sheets (very thin but cannot be bent, cut or burnt)
    • Volkswagen's Bug sized astronaut cabin capsule
    • Extremely strong wire made of a transparent material which conveyed light lit at its one end to the other end just like a pipe conveying water (optical fiber is believed to be reverse engineered from this)
    • Of course the bodies of the alien astronauts (described to be about 3 ft tall, very large head as compared to body, large eyes, two holes for nose without nostrils, mouth without teeth or tongue more like a slit, extremely odorous body... well there is more on the book).
  • Everything collected at the crash site including the bodies were taken to Texas and eventually to a research lab in Ohio. 

Although the topic itself is highly controversial, the book has done a good job explaining the event. Majority of the text in the book is under quote, meaning interviews.... the writers do not make a theory here. They have neatly presented real people's words. The names of the persons are quite legitimate as each person has a credible designation whether in the Army or in Police or politics or a general public.
Before reading the book, I had a question in mind "Did it really happen?", I was not concerned about the details of the incident. While reading, I asked the same question after every chapter. Now after reading it completely, I think that something did crash at that site and government collected the debris. And to be honest, I am convinced that it indeed was a UFO.
It is an obvious question "Why would government cover such stories up?" and I think that a responsible government would definitely do, has been doing and will continue covering up. One recent example is an incident popularly known as Phoenix lights.
Many of us believe that god has exclusively made us, there is no one except  the god, devils and humans (religious perspective). Now if the government comes forward and tells us that they found a creature which is not god, not human nor a devil, then the religious belief will definitely be in a turmoil. A society is so strongly built in a religious bond, there is a high risk of disruption in the society. 
Hollywood has cashed billions.. well zillions of dollars selling stories about alien invasion resulting countless death and sufferings for the humans. Now, let's think what would happen if the government presents pictures of alien ships and bodies. There will be an uncontrolled unrest and feeling of insecurity among people that very easily trigger crimes and suicide rates. 
The most important factor though is that such debris would be a technological treasure. While we have not been able to go beyond our solar system, it is needless to say that any creature visiting the earth in a ship would belong to a civilization which is scientifically advanced than us. Anything... merely anything that can be collected at such crash sites would be priceless and of course more important than an atom bomb. International community would like to own it, everyone would like to see it, touch it and analyze it. Every researcher will have a dream to see such alien technology. Isn't this a strong enough reason for the cover up? People claim that the US is busy reverse engineering the technology from this crash debris and optical fiber and high tech drones are some of the products. Who knows if other governments around the world are doing the same!!
Why there is no witness? Well it's an excellent question. I think there were/are such witnesses but three main reasons such witnesses went silent:
 - First: Government Suppression, threat and money
 - Second: Patriotism-The event occurred right after WWII. The army officers at that time bleed patriotism. They loved the country than any one else. If the country told them to be quiet, they did remain quiet.. and assumed they did not see anything.
  - Third: Financial security- The government is paying them pension and retirement benefits. Such witnesses who stitched their tongue for 50 years choose to do so for the rest of life. Who would want to lose his/her income to please some curious readers like us?
Despite these facts, there are few people that the book explains came forward and told they were the witness. But again the government uses all the effort to suppress such news.
Will we ever know? I think No! The witnesses are dying because of age and people have interest on lot of other issues (what about iPhone 5?). This topic will eventually lose focus. Oh well! UFOlogists will probably keep following the case, forever.


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