Contagious Mass Kleptomania in Nepal’s Airport?

I have come across many Kleptomaniac stories in the movies and television shows. I always wondered if anyone can really have such illness and a part of my mind said that this is just another science fiction. But hey!!!! Nope….. We recently came across a big group of Kleptomaniacs.
Just for quick reference, Kleptomania is considered as an ICD (Impulse Control Disorder) which makes people want to steal items. Kleptomaniac people lose their control and cannot resist the impulse to steal. For many of them getting to steal something gives a great relief of pressure as if you just completed your toughest exam. In majority of the cases, the stealing is not done for any personal or financial gain, they steal just because they cannot stop themselves from stealing. It sounds fascinating until you are a victim or Kleptomania itself or the Kleptomaniacs.

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