Excel to GoogleEarth KML - Include Image in the balloons

This post is a follow up to my previous post Excel to GoogleEarth KML. The Excel macro in the previous post would export points and their attribute table to Google Earth.
In this updated version, you can also attach an image at each of selected points along with the image description if available. This version does not have any limitations on number of points and number of attributes you can export (the previous version would not let you have more than 10 attributes). But make sure you do not freeze your computer using 100s of points and attributes :-)

Here is you use it
Download the file and open in Excel 2007 or later. If the macro security is not set to High, you will be asked to Enable macros. Go ahead and enable the Macros.

  1. Latitude and Longitudes must be in decimal degrees (see sample data)
  2. Use negative for Western  Longitude and Southern Latitudes (see sample data)
  3. Latitude and Longitude must be present and in columns 2 and 3 for this tool to work.
  4. You can have any number of attributes for each point (i.e. columns D onwards) but it is optional and you can 1  or 5 or 10 or no attribute. You can also have different number of attributes for each locations. These attributes are shown as tables at each locations (Click on balloon on Google Earth to expand the table)
  5. You can have as many number of points as needed
  6. Change title or header (Row 1) of the attributes as needed
  7. Values in the First column will be used to display the name of locations on GoogleEarth window (See sample image)
  1. You can add image to be displayed on the balloon at each point. Click on "Browse Image" button on each row to select the image you want to display. It will add image path in column next to it.
  2. You can add caption or description for the image. This text will be displayed right under the image in GoogleEarth balloon. (See sample image)
To Open:
  1. If GoogleEarth is installed on a location different than C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\client\googleearth.exe , then the macro will ask you to one time locate the googleearth.exe manually
  1. You must define Point Name, Latitude and Longidute for each point. Everything else is optional. You can define the attributes for one and not define for other point. Image, image captions are optional as well.

Once you export the data, the macro will open it automatically in Google Earth (As long as Google Earth is installed on your computer). Based on the location of Google Earth executable, this tool might ask you to locate the googleearth.exe file for the first time and it will remember the location afterwards)

This is Macro enabled Excel files. The underlying VBA codes are visible, you are welcome to use the code and the worksheet.
If you find any bug in the code, post it in the comments below I will try to help you out!!
(Note: An Excel macro in general should not create any problem with your MS Excel installations and other Add-Ins. If it does, use it at your own risk) 

Smile and Live Happy!


Unknown said...

thanks to your post
but what if i need chinese attribute value?
now all i exported are shown in Garbled...
could you teach me how to make it correct?

Unknown said...

The application is awesome!! Thank You. I was witting something similar when I found your work.
I have one comment:
After creating the first KMZ file, all format seemed fine except that the image did not show in my balloon!!After a while looking into it, I realize that the link to the image is case sensitive. My .JPG extension was exported as Uppercase!! (this is by default in my camera download software).
Changing the extension to Lowercase solved the problem.
I Modified your code to replace:
imageFileName = Sheets("Hidden").Cells(j, 3).Text
imagefilename = LCase(Sheets("Hidden").Cells(j, 3).Text)
To the Sub ExportKML and Voila. it worked...

Thanks Again

Serge Aviles

MP said...

Sorry to hear that. You might have figured it out by now.
I think, the problem you are having is because of the VB editor not being able to read Chinese characters. My understanding is that you need Chinese version of Windows for the VB compiler to understand those characters. Please share it here if you have figured it out.

MP said...

Sergio Aviles, Glad to be of help!! I appreciate you posting the solution here. I will update the macro and re-post it, sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi MP. I appreciate your work this is great.
Thank you for sharing it.
I wanna add that I want to compress it using 7zip for MS dont recognize some characters.

-Ian C.

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