Theory of Ancient Aliens


Theory of Ancient Aliens

First things First

If you are highly religious person and you are skeptical to hear a different opinion about gods, then please do not read further. This concept is for those who can think out of the box and are open to new theories and ideas. 
This is not my theory. I am just sharing how I feel about it. 

How I came across

This concept first ignited the curiosity in my mind when I watched "Ancient Aliens" episodes in History channel. Then I read a couple of books they talked about in the program. I find it fascinating, I am still unsure if I completely believe this theory. In 1800's when Louis Pasteur was turned down because he told people that there are micro-organisms which we cannot see with our eyes but they make you sick. The theory of ancient aliens could be something like this, we don't believe it right now while it could be true, or it is just an outcome of some smart mind, leading  to nowhere. Who Knows!!!!!

What is this theory about

Ancient Alien theorists believe that extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago (in the same way we the humans have landed on moon), sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. This contact is often connected with the origins or development of human cultures, technologies, and religions. 

Why would they even come to Earth in the first place?? 

There could be several reasons. Don't you think?
  • Well, they are supposedly much more advanced in technology than we currently are. So, they were/are in mission to explore the universe and came across Earth
  • Earth is a blue planet in the universe, may be they thought "This looks cool, let's go and see what's in there!"
  • They were/are making very long journey and replenished their fuel. They used/are using/will use earth as their refueling station.
  • This list can go on and on.
What happened when aliens came to Earth?? 

1. They are depicted as gods: 

If you read  the stories in different religions, all of them talk about gods. Gods in all those stories come from sky. All gods have some kind of flying device (chariots) that would produce large sound like thunder, produce heat, shine like sun and so on. There are so many references of such devices in Bible. Hindu texts such as Mahabharata and Ramayana have hundreds of such instances where they talk about god's machines. 
Well the almighty god that I perceive has all the powers that I can imagine of, the god won't need a physical device to travel, rather would appear anywhere "just like that".
Was god an ancient astronaut? Are those centuries old legends of gods and heroes telling of space travelers who came to earth from distant parts of the Cosmos? Why not!!! 
Somehow the astronauts came to Earth. They saw these primitive people rambling in the wilderness looking for food, no aim, no future. Then they felt little pity, thought of doing some experiment over humans and started teaching own language, taught them how to live an organized life, taught some philosophy, transferred some of their basic technology. All these things appeared unimaginable to the people at that time and everything that the astronauts do, looked magical and full of superpower. Once the astronauts left our planet, people at that time started doing different sort of things to bring those astronauts back. They called their names, chanted them, worshiped them and what not. All those activities got transferred to generations and that established as a religion.
Carved lid of the tomb of K'inich Janaab' Pakal in the Temple of the Inscriptions (Source Wikipedia)
(This is an image of Mayan God which according to Ancient Alien theorist represents the 'god' in a spaceship... something similar to NASA's shuttle capsules)
Haven't you ever thought, in this god created universe, how come there are so many religions and each worship a different god. Why isn't there One World-One God? If human beings all originated from same place, how come there are so many different families of languages? I am convinced that while languages transfer from generation to generation and place to place, it changes and takes a new form but will not vary the way these major language-families do. I believe these different language families have different origin. Did different astronauts at different times teach these different languages? Is it the same reason for different religions?

2. They stayed for a while, did some experiments and taught new things
There are several historic monuments, temples, buildings, walls, caves with extraordinary carvings, modified mountains, technological evidences, maps etc currently existing on earth. The origin and intent of such artifacts are still unknown to us. The great Egyptian pyramid for instance, we have seen it, people say they were built as burial chambers. But is that the only reason? Did the people at that time decide to haul a mountain so that their king's body after he dies could be put into it? Based on other evidences of human development and technological advancement, was it possible to construct such monuments with such an accuracy and durability?
Or did a fleet of ancient aliens used some of their yet unknown power and technology and helped people at time to build it. There are several such monuments around the world that would advocate much advanced knowledge of materials, workmanship, power and technology which people at the time of construction of these monuments didn't have and in some cases we still don't have such capabilities. Some of other such popular monuments include:

  • Tiwanaku in Bolivia 
  • Nazca Lines in Peru
  • Great pyramids in Egypt
  • Mayan Civilization, their calendar, temple etc
  • The Moai of Easter Island
  • Puma punku in Bolivia
  • Stories in Hindu epics Ramayan and Mahabharat
3. They supposedly tailored evolution
I sometimes do believe in theories of Evolution and most of the times I don't. Several reasons for it. We'll save the topic for some other day. The concern here is, did the ancient aliens modify the trend of evolution? Did they make or teach humans to be the most poewrful creature on the earth? If not why is human race getting more and more powerful each day as compared to all other creatures on the earth? Or, is the history of ancient aliens too short to create any influence in evolution? I have not seen this fact discussed clearly by any of these Ancient Alien theorists yet.
Several Ancient artworks depict a lot of pictures/carvings/icons that show creatures which are human-animal combination. Did the ancient aliens perform some kind of genetic experiments and came up with the most recent human race?

Why aren't we revisited?? 

Have they revisited us or are constantly revisitng and we haven't figured that out? Are they even directing us and controling over our growth and development? If they revisited why didn't they show up themselves? Why aren't they concerned about what is going on on the earth such as incurable diseases, famine and hunger, environmental issues, natural disasters, economic crisis?
I don't know!!
I remember one of the ancient alien theorists saying in an interview asked with similar question. He said "Do you care what ants are doing?" Well that makes sense actually. Any advancement we have made in science and technology could be really nothing to them!! Or they have stopped intervening earthly life because they realize that humans are being powerful day by day. Recently a theoretical physicist claimed that Aliens will not invade earth the way it is shown in science fiction movies. He thinks that if aliens can come to earth, they very well can analyze the weapon and defense systems that we have. They will figure out about nuclear weapons. This could be one of the reasons why there are no recent instances of such alien interventions.
Another factor could be time!!! At present, insterstellar travel for us humans is not possible because of  two major reasons. The first and the most important is extra ordinarily long time of travel and second is fuel. The closest star from earth is Alpha Centauri and it is about 4.3 light years away. So, if we send a spaceship that can travel at the speed of light, it will take 4.3 years to reach Alpha Centauri and 4.3 years back home. That is 8.6 years. A ship cannot reach the velocity of light at once, it takes a lot of acceleration time at least with our present day technology. Similarly, it takes equal amount time to decelerate before it reaches the star as the ship cannot land at the speed of light.This adds significant amount of travel time.
So, the ancient aliens:
  - can either fly way faster than light so that the time of travel is negligible
  - have different technology with which they can shrienk space time curve the way Einstien has discussed in his theory of relativity
  - or they have a difffernt time scale.
I would like to emphasize on different time scale concept. That could be true. In Hindu religious epics, a day for god Bramha is discussed to be thousands years on earth. If these gods were astronauts, may be they discussed about the difference in time scale which has been presented in such relics. If this assumption is true, then even though centuries have passed since aliens last visited the earth, it is probably few weeks in their time. They probably are in vacation after their travel to the earth. For example, a general honey bee dies in about a month. The bees will never perceive that there some other creatures (such as 'giant tortoise' which lives about 177 years) on earth which live thousands times longer than they do. With this analogy, we humans think any creature anywhere in the universe have same life of 60-80 or 100 years (and years in our time scale). Who knows if that is true? May be the aliens live 60 years as we do but that 60 alien years is something like 60,000 earth years :-)


As I already mentioned, this theory is more intriguing than it is convincing to me. I will definitely keep following this concept and read as many books as I can. I haven't found an answer to one question: if the humans were somehow brought up by the ancient aliens who created those aliens themselves and how did they achieve the level of technological advancement? 



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