December 2012

In the recent years, both the scientific community and general public are hyped by a theory that the world is going to end on December 21,  2012. TV series such as History Channel's "Dooms Day 2012: Decoding the Past" have created unprecedented sensation in the community. Hollywood left no chance to cash as there are already several movies which portray this story.
The predictions speculate that on December 21, 2012, today's world will come to an end. Some predict that the earth will be wiped out by a natural disaster like a giant tidal wave, an Earth-wide earthquake or a tremendous volcanic eruption. Others believe that the Earth will collide with some yet unknown planet causing polar shifts, gravitational reversals or a black hole so big that our solar system will simply disappear. 
Most of these predictions base their argument on the end of Mayan Long Count Calendar on December 21, 2012. Let's see what Mayan Calendar says.

मेरो माया ...

पहिले जस्तो मायाको गित, नलेखेको धेरै भयो
ति आँखामा आँखा राखी, नहेरेको धेरै भयो ॥
मुखले पनि "माया गर्छु", नभनेको देखी तिमी
मनमा कतै नसोच्नु है, मेरो माया घट्यो भनी ॥१॥

समयको छालसँगै, फेरिएझैं देख्यौहोला
बेहोशिमै यदा कदा, तिखो बचन बोलेंहोला॥
नी:रस कुरा मात्र गर्दै, बिरक्तिएको देखि तिमी
मनमा कतै नसोच्नु है, मेरो माया घट्यो भनी ॥२॥

मेरो माया शित जस्तै, अझै पनि झरिलो छ
तिम्रो लागि ज्यान दिने छाती अझै दरिलो छ॥
नसा भरि बगेकी छौ, रगतसँगै मिसीएर
शंका कतै बाँकी रहे, आफ्नै मुटु झाँकीहेर ॥३॥


यताको जिन्दगी र उताको सम्झना, दुबैलाई पर पन्छाएर
भागम्-भाग र बेफुर्सदको घेराबाट, एकैछिन निस्कन खोज्दै छु म
जे जहाँ छ त्यो त्यहीँ छाड्दै, निस्फिक्री सुस्ताएर
एकान्तमा घोत्लिँदै, आफैंसँग जिस्कन खोज्दै छु म ॥१॥

बिन्ती छ मनका तरङ्गहरु, एक्लै छाडिदेओ केही क्ष
भोलि त फेरि तिमिहरुकै हुँ, आज एक्लिन खोज्दै छु म
कहिले तन्किंदै त कहिले खुम्चिँदै धेरै बाँचिसकेँ
आज कतै नबाँडिई धेरैपछि 'सिङ्गो म' बन्न खोज्दै छु म॥२॥

एउटा आँखाले उज्यालो र अर्कोले म भित्रैको अँध्यारो हेरेर
जिवनका दुबै पक्ष एकै पटक केलाउन खोज्दै छु म
पाउने र गुमाउनै पर्ने जिवन चक्र देखि बाहिर निस्केर
लेनदेन बिनाको 'म' लाई भेट्न खोज्दै छु म ॥३॥

How to change width of blog (blogger)


These days, people are using high resolution monitors and using smaller width for the blog seems like wastage of screen space. But at the same time, if you want to make sure your blog fits any resolution screen, it is advisable not to adjust the width.
If you have understood the impacts and thought of expanding the usable space in your blog, I have done in mine, here is how you do it:

How to change background color of your blog (blogger)

I wanted a different background color for the sidebars and main page in my Blog so that the sections are distinct and little obvious. It is quite simple.
Let us proceed with the tutorial:

नेपालका ३५ सौं प्र. म. ..... हाम्रा आशा र तिम्रा चुनौतिहरु


सर्वप्रथम डा बाबुराम भट्टराई हार्दिक बधाई अनि शुभकामना! 
अगस्ट २८, २०११! आज नेपालले फेरि अर्को प्रधानमन्त्रि   पाएको छ.......३५ सौं प्रधानमन्त्रि   !
नेपालमा प्राय: सरकार बनाउने बेलामा ठुला पार्टी निरिह र साना भुरे भारे पार्टी शक्तिसाली हुने गरेको धेरै भयो, संसारमा यस्तो अवस्था धेरै कम मुलुकमा मात्र होला। यसैले गर्दा राजतन्त्र अन्त्य भए देखि फोरम र मोर्चा जस्ता दलहरुले मन्त्रिमण्डलमा स्थान नपाएको सरकार बनेकै छैन। यो पटक पनि यस्तै भयो तर नयाँ कुरा चाँही २०४७ पछी नै सायद पहिलो पल्ट एमाले र काँग्रेस दुवै एकै पटक प्रतिपक्षी भएका छन्। अब यति बेला जति यी पार्टीहरु मा राष्ट्रियता कहिले देख्न पाइने छैन। राष्ट्रियता को मुकुण्डो लगाएर निकै कुर्लिनेछ्न दुवै पार्टीका नेता र कार्यकर्ता। 

Theory of Ancient Aliens


Theory of Ancient Aliens

First things First

If you are highly religious person and you are skeptical to hear a different opinion about gods, then please do not read further. This concept is for those who can think out of the box and are open to new theories and ideas. 
This is not my theory. I am just sharing how I feel about it. 

How I came across

This concept first ignited the curiosity in my mind when I watched "Ancient Aliens" episodes in History channel. Then I read a couple of books they talked about in the program. I find it fascinating, I am still unsure if I completely believe this theory. In 1800's when Louis Pasteur was turned down because he told people that there are micro-organisms which we cannot see with our eyes but they make you sick. The theory of ancient aliens could be something like this, we don't believe it right now while it could be true, or it is just an outcome of some smart mind, leading  to nowhere. Who Knows!!!!!

What is this theory about

Ancient Alien theorists believe that extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago (in the same way we the humans have landed on moon), sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. This contact is often connected with the origins or development of human cultures, technologies, and religions. 

How to change slideshow width and height (blogger)?


I had to do a lot of Google search before I figured this out and I thought why not share with others.
Here's how I got it done:
1.     Go to your blog's dashboard
2.     Add Blogger's standard SlideShow widget.

How to Add Google Plus one (+1) button to your blog (Blogger)

Google plus one
Google plus one is a recommendation button from Google Plus something similar to Facebook's Like button. The difference between Facebook's Like is that it is shown under the button in your post where as Google +1 shows them under your post in Google SERP (search engine results pages).

Humor Series


Boys are always happy creatures, why?
·         Their last name stays with them  forever
·         Phone conversations last for just 30 seconds
·         A 5 day vacation requires only 1 jeans
·         If someone forgets to invite them, they can still be friends
·         They can do shopping for 25 relatives in 25 min
·         They don't freak out when they go to a party and see another man wearing the same shirt or tie. Instead they become buddies

Humor Series


1.     You should be sure the person is Sardar when he: 
         Puts lipstick on the forehead because he wants to make up his mind. 
         Gets stabbed in a shoot-out. 
         Sends a fax with a postage stamp on it. 
         Tries to drown a fish in water.
         Thinks socialism means partying. 
         Trips over a cordless phone. 
         Takes a ruler to bed to see how long he slept. 
         At the bottom of the application where it says "sign here" he puts "Sagittarius." 
         Studies for a blood test and fails. 
         Sells the car for gas money.
         Misses the 44 bus, and takes the 22 twice instead. 
         Drives to the airport and sees a sign that said, "Airport left",  he turns around and goes home. 
         Gets locked in furniture shop and sleeps on the floor. 

रमाउँछु म

तिम्रो मन दु:ख्छ भन्ने बुझेर पनि अन्जान भई बित्थामा कराउँछु म
तिमी मौन बसिदिन्छौ, अँध्यारो छाउँछ र तिम्रो मौनतासँग डराउँछु म ।।
त्यही डरमा अत्तालिएको म, हराउँछु पछुताउँछु र एक्लै भुतभुताउँछु
सधैँ झैं माफ गर्दै मुस्काउँछौ, अनि तिम्रो मुहारलाई जून संझेर रमाउँछू म ।।१।। 

अन्तर्मन देखि अक्षर सम्म

साँच्चैको लेखकलाई त शिर्षक खोज्नै पर्दैन रे, उनिहरुले जताततै लेख्ने बिषय भेट्छन् रे। त्यसैले म त लेखक को दर्जामा पर्दिनँ। खालि यसो समय मिल्दा मनमा उब्जेका विचार अनि जिवन भोग्दै गर्दा भेटिएका रमाईला कुरा यस्तै समेटिन्छन यहाँ, न त शब्दका फुल बुट्टा भेटिन्छन यहाँ न त कुनै रस र अलङ्कार।
सँधैंभरि आफ्ना मनका कुरा सबैलाई सुनाउन मिल्दैन, सुन्न लायक पनि नहोलान् फेरि यहाँ फुर्सद कसलाई छ र कसका कुरा सुन्ने, त्यसैले अरु लाखौंले झैं यही व्लग मा मन खन्याउन मन लाग्छ, अक्षरका रुपमा। तपाईँले जस्तै कसैले यसो समय कटाउन मेरा भावना पढ्दा मजा आओस, पछि जीवनको जोश घटेपछि आफैंले दोहोराएर पढ्दा मन रमाओस अहिलेलाई यत्ति नै छ यहाँ उद्देश्य।
स्वागत छ तपाईँलाई, आउँदै गर्नुस है अनि मेरा विचारमा सहमति र बिमती पनि जनाउनुस!

I had heard somewhere that the real writers do not look for a topic to write, they find topics everywhere. I do not fall under that category of writers. When the time goes little slow and I get a minute away from the hassles and rush of life, I come here and present my feelings and glimpses of some of the interesting moments of my life. You won't find a descent English nor rhetorical pictures here.
Not all my feelings are worth sharing with everyone nor anyone has time for it. That probably is the reason why millions of people write blogs and I am one of them, I portray my heart in these words. When someone like you visits my world here, I wish to entertain you and make you smile. In later days of life when there is not much to do, I wish to make myself happy by reading these blogs back again ... it will give me a chance to turn back and look at myself. That's all the purpose here.
Thanks for stopping by. Please do not forget to visit back and please have your say on what I say.

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